Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Schedule with rooms'numbers.

Dear Students,

Please download the last version of the schedule with room numbers.

Kindly be on time 30mn before the presentation, and do not forget that coffee, cookies,.. are stricly forbidden inside the examination room.

Please note that a survey is going to be distributed after the presentation. It is mandatory to fill it before leaving and to put it inside the envelope that will be provided to your committee.

Good luck!

G.P coordinator

Friday, December 23, 2011

Project-1 submission and presentation details

Dear students,

I'd like to remind you that the submission date of your Project-1 documentation is due to tomorrow saturday December 24th 2011.

Here are the submission instructions.

Time: 10:00am - 1:30pm. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized. (-2 pts of the final grade if submission is on Sunday).

Place: RAs office, Room 94, 2nd floor. (Ms. Akheela).


4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, three copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your proposals, please submit (in addition to the hard copies) 1 soft copy to ksu.it.project@gmail.com. Your mail subject must include the following information:

- Group number
- Project number
- Title
- Supervisor

Note that presentations are scheduled on Wednesday December 28th 2011.

The presentation time is allocated as follows:

- Oral presentation: 15 minutes
- Discussion with the committee: 15 minutes

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G. P Coordinator

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

System design issues

Dear Students,

Please, download a very interesting document on architecture styles-categories uses examples, prepared by Dr. Ghada.

Hopefully, it will help you to clarify some issues you faced during the system design phase.

Special thanks to Dr. Ghada for the prorvided document.

G.P Coordinator

How to prepare your presentation?

Dear Students,

Two groups of level 8 students are proposing to share their experience in presenting Project-1. You are kindly invited to attend this event to benefit from their experience, to properly and efficiently prepare your Project-1 examination. Hereafter the details:

Date: Saturday december 24th, 2011.
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Room 17, building 20.

Eventhough attendance is optional, you are highly encouraged to attend the talk in order to get valuable tips, advises, on how to prepare your presentation, as well as getting some feedback on the oral examination.

A special thanks to Dr. Areej for arranging this event.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Project-1 presentations schedule

Dear Students,

Project-1 schedule is available.

Rooms and submission instructions will be announced soon. Keep on checking the blog.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project-1 submision postponed

Dear Students,

Project-1 sumbission deadline has been postponed to saturday december 24th, 2011 before 10:00am.

G.P Coordinator

Friday, December 9, 2011

Details of upcoming seminar (scheduled on saturday december 10th 2011)

Dear Students,

This is a short announcement to inform you the details of the next seminar scheduled on saturday december 10th, 2011:

Place: Theatre building 20.
Time: 12:00-1:00pm

Your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

Seee you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project-1 Seminar-2

Dear Students,

As you know, semniar-2 has been cancelled many times owing to a lot of constraints (exams..) in the planned dates..

Finally, seminar-2 has been scheduled tomorrow wednesday december 5th, 2011 and you can attend in the theatre of building 3:

From 2:00pm to 3:00pm OR

From 3:00pm to 4:00pm (This slot is reserved for those who have lectures from 2:00pm to 3:00pm).

In all cases, your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

Also, note that seminar-3 is scheduled next saturday december 10th from 12:00 to 1:00pm. Please shift your project weekly meeting.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seminar-2 cancelled.

Dear Students,

Seminar-2 scheduled for today sunday december 4th is cancelled. New date will be announced soon.

G.P Coordinator.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Dear Students,

You are invited to attend seminar-2 next sunday 4th december, 2011, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Location will be announced by tomorrow noon.

Attendance is mandatory, and absent students will be penalized.

See you there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Friday, November 25, 2011


Dear Students,

Seminar-2 will be scheduled on saturday december 3rd or sunday december 4th, from 12:00-1:00.

In case of any exam on saturday or sunday, please send an email to: ksu.it.project@gmail.com before tomorrow monday 12:00pm. You email should include the following:

- Exam type
- Course name and course code
- Instructor

Thank you for your cooperation.

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Project-1 Guide

Dear Students,

Please download Project-1 guide.

Note that your final documentation should be consistent to the guide, and include all stated requirements.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Dear Students,

Please book the following dates for our next 2 seminars:

Seminar-2: Monday November 28th, 2011. Time: 12:00-1:00pm.
Seminar-3: Tuesday December 6th, 2011. Time: 12:00-1:00pm.

Further details will be announced later.

In case you have exams scheduled on these slots, please send an email to ksu.it.project@gmail.com, before tomorrow wednesday 6:00pm.

The following information are required in your email:

- Exam type (quiz or mid)
- Course name
- Instructor

Attendance is mandatory.

G.P Coordinator

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Project-1 Committees

Dear Students,

Please download Project-1 committees.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Proposal Submission

Dear students,

Hereafter the instructions for proposal submission:

Date: Saturday 15 october 2011.

Time: 10:00 - 13:00. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized.

Place: Akheela (Research Assistant) office. Building 20, 2nd Floor, room no. 94.


• 4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, two copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

• Since other academic staff may be interested in your proposals, please submit 1 soft copy to gpksu@yahoo.com and the subject of your mail must include the following:

1- Group Number
2- Project Number
3- Supervisor Name
4- Project Title

Soft copy submission is mandatory and delays will be penalized.

Your committees will be announced soon. Keep on checking the latest news..

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Friday, October 7, 2011

Proposal guide.

Dear Students,

Please download a proposal guide that will help you in writing your report.

Special thanks to Dr. Maha for her commitment in Graduation Projects in our department, and her great efforts to produce this document.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Project-1 final report submission deadline.

Project-1 final report submission is due to monday 19th december 2011.

Template for proposal report

Dear students,

Please download the word document template you must use for writing the proposal report. Do do not modify or personalize the template when using it.

Thank you,

G.P Coordinator

Proposal submission deadline postponed to saturday 15th october 2011.

Dear Students,

Proposal report submission deadline has been postponed to saturday october 15th 2011.

Good luck.

G.P Coordinator

Monday, October 3, 2011

Teams/Projects Assignement ready

Dear Students,

Teams/Projects assignement document is ready. I kindly ask you to get in touch with your supervisor as soon as possible to start working on the proposal.

Note that a proposal template is going to be available by tomorrow. However, you may download a sample of a proposal report submitted last year. The deadline to submit your report is next wednesday october 12th, 2011.

Finally, it is mandatory to send your Team Form, the one inclusing your names (arabic/english), emails, and phone numbers to your supervisor today.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good Luck!


To Teams: 15

ايمان خميس الخميس Eman Khamis Alkhamis
رشا احمد عامر Rasha Ahmed Amer
داليا محمود نافع Dalia Mahmod Alnafee
احلام انور الشميري Ahlam Anwar Alshemai
دلال منير المطيري Dalal Muneer Almouteri

I urge you to send me your preferences form (email: ksu.it.project@gmail.com). Projects/Teams assignement process is not completed because your choices form is missing. Note that penality will be applied for being late.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Project-1 Ideas: FINAL list

Dear Students,

Please download the complete Project-1 ideas final list.

The latest projects added to the list are: Project 3, Project 9, Project 13, Project 19 & Project 20.

Do not forget that the deadline to send your choices form is next monday.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Friday, September 30, 2011

Last call to ALL groups

Please check again your teams and send an email to ksu.it.project@gmail.com in case of any issue. Hereafter the link:


Team 26 members, please get in touch as soon as possible with each other and send the G.P coordinator (ksu.it.project@gmail.com) your contact information.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Choices Form

Dear Students,

Please download and fill the choices form. List the numbers of all projects in the order of preference, 1 being the 1st preference, 2 being the second preference, and so forth.
Complete and submit this form by monday October 3nd, 2011.

I strongly advise you to submit 25 choices, otherwise you will be assigned a project that you didn't put in your preferences.

It is mandatory to specify your:

1- Team number (the number that has been assigned to your group according to the
previously uploaded excel sheet)

2- Team name

3- Team members names

If the mentionned items are missing, your choices form will be ignored.

Finally, send your choices form on monday october 3nd 2011, before 6:00pm.

Thank you for your cooperation.

G.P Coordinator

Project-1 Ideas updated (Again)

Projects Ideas document has been updated.

Keep on checking the blog for the
complete project ideas list.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Project-1 Ideas (First compilation)

Dear Students,

Please download the first compilation of Project-1 ideas. An updated list will be available soon.

For further details on any project idea you may be interested in, get in touch with the corresponding supervisor.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Team Check Required

Dear Students,

Please take a look on the following link to check if your team is ok.


Note that the following students are grouped together in Team26.

ملاك بنت فهد بن عبدالكريم الشدوخي
حنان بنت محمد بن راشد عبدالله الهاجري
بتول بنت محمد بن حمزه القصاب
خلود بنت راشد بن عبدالعزيز المري
هاجر بنت علي بن حسن السماهيجي

Miss Noura Al Assaf is added to group 10.

In case of any mistake please get in touch with the G.P coordinator before monday 26 september 2011.

All the best

G.P Coordinator

Friday, September 23, 2011


Dear Students,

If your name appears in one of the lists below, and you are already a memebr of one team, please send an email to: ksu.it.project@gmail.com with the following information:

Subject: "Student already in team"
Mail body: Your name + id number + your team memebrs (attach the excel sheet of your team).


ملاك بنت فهد بن عبدالكريم الشدوخي
نوره بنت حسين بن محمد العساف
حنان بنت محمد بن راشد عبدالله الهاجري
بتول بنت محمد بن حمزه القصاب
خلود بنت راشد بن عبدالعزيز المري
هاجر بنت علي بن حسن السماهيجي

Your email must be sent before tomorrow saturday 24 september 2011, 8:00 pm.

GP Coordinator.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Reminder: Seminar-1, Location confirmed: Theatre lecture hall at building 3

ear students,

Just a short note to remind you that there will be a seminar today tuesday 20 spetember 2011, to introduce you to Graduation Project-1.

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Theatre lecture hall at building 3 (Confirmed).

Attendance is mandatory.

See you there inshaAllah.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Seminar-1: Introduction to Graduation Project-1 Course

Dear students,

There will be a seminar on tuesday 20 spetember 2011, to introduce you to Graduation Project-1.

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Theatre lecture hall at building 3 (Location to be confirmed on monday).

Attendance is mandatory.

Keep on checking the latest news..

See you there inshaAllah.

G.P Coordinator


Dear Students,

Unfortunately because of some administrative constraints, it is mandatory to team up with students that follow the same curriculum as yours (old one versus new one). Consequently, the deadline to send group forms is extended to tuesday september 20th, 2011 at 12:00 pm.

For any questions, get in touch with the GP Coordinator, office 32, first floor.

Thank you for your understanding.

Monday, September 12, 2011

PROJECT-1: Academic Year: 1432-1433 / 2011-2012, Semester I: Group Form Submission.

Dear students,

Greetings to you all at the start of this new semester, 1432/1433 (2011/2012).

It is the time to kick start the graduation projects, and I kindly ask you to download the group form. Fill it and submit it by Sunday September 18th, 2011. You are allowed to form groups of only 5 students.

Please send the filled form to the following address:


You are not required to provide your GPA information, we will obtained it directly from our records for confidentiality purposes. It is very important to fill all required information, which will only be used for the purpose of this course.

Please do not change the formatting of the form.

Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Project-1 Presentations: ***ROOMS***

Dear Students,

Please download the last version of Project-1 examination schedule with room numbers.

Please make sure to be on time for your presentation.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Project-1 submission and presentation details

Dear students,

I'd like to remind you that the submission date of your Project-1 documentation is due to Sunday may 29th 2011.

Here are the submission instructions.

Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized. (-2 pts of the final grade if submission is on Sunday).

Place: RAs office, Room 94, 2nd floor. (Ms. Akheela).


4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, three copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your proposals, please submit (in addition to the hard copies) 1 soft copy to ksu.it.project@gmail.com. Your mail subject must include the following information: Group number, Project number, Title and Supervisor.

Note that presentations are scheduled on Wednesday June 1st 2011.

The presentation time is allocated as follows:

- Oral presentation: 15 minutes
- Discussion with the committee: 15 minutes

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G. P Coordinator


Dear Students,

Please download the last version of Project-1 examination schedule.

Note that Project #7 (Dr. Manar) and Project #17 (Dr. Areej) have been rescheduled on monday may 30th, 2011.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project-1 Examination Schedule and Documentation Submission Deadline.

Dear Students,

Please note that Project-1 documentation submission has been posteponed to sunday 29th may 2011.

You can download Project-1 examination schedule.

Rooms are going to be specified later. Keep on checking the blog for new announcements.

All the best,

G.P Coordinator

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Preparing your Project-1 presentation

Dear Students,
In collaboration with the Research Unit, a seminar is planned to help you prepare for your exam. Students from Level 8 will share their experience and give you tips on presentation delivery.

Date: Wednesday, May 25th 2011.
Time: 12-1pm.
Location: Room 37, Building 20.

Attendance is mandatory.

Special thanks to Dr. Areej for her commitment, availability and great efforts to arrange this event.

See you there!

G.P Coordinator

Intellectual Property (IP) Seminar (Project-1 Students & Project-2 Students)

Dear Students,
As part of the graduation projects seminars, we will have a seminar on intellectual property rights, and publications related to graduation projects.

Date: Saturday, May 21st 2011.
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Location: Room 17, Building 20.

Our guest speakers are: Dr Lilac, Ms.Wajan Almosaad, and Ms.Reham Ghuraibi.

On behalf all our IT staff, I would like to thank very much Dr. Norma for her great and valuable efforts and contribution to promote IP awareness, review the previous graduation projects reports potential publication/commercialization, and initiate our contact with KSU's IPTL program.

Also, special thanks to Dr. Areej for her commitment, availability and great efforts to arrange this event.

Attendance is mandatory.

See you there!

G.P Coordinator


Dear Students,

Project-1 examination schedule will be available soon on the blog. However, I need to make sure that no exams are planned on tuesday 31th may, 2011 and wednesday 1st june 2011. In this case, the submission of Project-1 doucumentation will be posteponed to sunday 29th june 2011. But, if some students have exams on tuesday or wednesday, the submission of Project-1 documentation will be postponed to saturday 28th june 2011.

I kindly ask you send an email to: ksu.it.project@gmail.com, as soon as possible, before tomorrow friday 20th may 2011, 6:00pm in case you have an exam on tuesday or wednesday. It is mandatory to include in your email the following:

* Group #
* Project #
* Supervisor name
* Project Title
* Date of the exam, time of the exam and the course.

The request will not be taken into consideration if the above information is missing, and if your request is received after the deadline.

Also, please keep on checking the blog for a very seminar important seminar scheduled next saturday 21th may, 2011.

Last request, please forward this email to your friends, or contact your team members to make sure that all students are notified on time.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dry Run for student projects accepted for presentation in the Zayed University Undergraduate Research Conference

Dear Students,

You are invited to attend a Dry Run for student projects accepted for presentation in the Zayed University Undergraduate Research Conference.

Please join us Saturday 1:30pm-3:00pm in Room 17 of Building 20.

Attendance is mandatory

However, you can attend at anytime, and sign for attendance.

The program will include presentations for:

- Projects accepted for Platform presentations
- Poster presentations

See you there!

G.P Coordinator

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Proposal Submission

Dear students,

Hereafter the instructions for proposal submission:

Date: Saturday 12 march 2011.

Time: 10:00 - 13:00. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized.

Place: Akheela (Research Assistant) office. Building 20, 2nd Floor, room no. 94.


• 4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, two copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

• Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your proposals, please submit 1 soft copy to ksu.it.project@gmail.com and the subject of your mail must include the following:

1- Group Number
2- Project Number
3- Project Title
4- Supervisor Name

Soft copy submission is mandatory.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Project-1 Committees

Dear Students,

Please download Project-1 committees with assigned projects.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Projects/Teams Assignment.

Dear Students,

You can download Projects/Teams Assignement file.

Also, you can download the guide for writing the project proposal and the template that you must use to write the proposal document.

I urge you to get in touch with your supervisors today if it is possible. Note that the proposal submission deadline has been fixed to Saturday 12th March 2011.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Monday, February 28, 2011

Project-1 Ideas: Final List **UPDATED AGAIN** and Choices Submission

Dear Students,

Please download again the final list of offered Project-1 ideas for this semester, after minor changes and use this last version to fill your choices form. You have to download it, fill it, and then send it.

I advise you to put 16 choices, otherwise you will be assigned a project that you didn't put in your preferences. Also I remind you that it is mandatory to put your team number (the number I have assigned to each group). Download the excel sheet to get your team number.

Please send the filled form, before tomorrow tuesday tuesday february 29th, 2011 at 11:00 am, to the following address:


Teams/Projects assignment is going to be announced on the blog tomorrow tuesday february 29th, 2011 at 12:00pm inshaAllah. I urge you to contact your supervisor tomorrow to start working on your proposal.

Good luck

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project-1 Ideas: Final List

Dear Students,

Please download the final list of offered Project-1 ideas for this semester.

Best regards,

G.P Coordinator

Friday, February 25, 2011

Project-1 Important dates

Dear Students,

Please download Project-1 important dates for the current semester.

G.P Coordinator

Choices Form

Dear Students,

Please download and fill the choices form. List the numbers of all projects in the order of preference, 1 being the 1st preference, 2 being the second preference, and so forth. Complete and submit this form by monday February 28th, 2011.

I strongly advise you to submit 16 choices, otherwise you will be assigned a project that you didn't put in your preferences. Finally, it is mandatory to put your team number (the number that will be assigned to each group soon, most probably by next saturday) and also if you could specify your team name.

Finally, do not send the choices form before monday February 28th, 2011 since new Project-1 ideas are going to be uploaded on the blog soon, as well as the team number that are going to be assigned to your groups.

Thank you for your cooperation.

G.P Coordinator

Intellectual Property Agreement (Publications Related to Projects)

Dear Students,

I kindly ask you to download and read upaloaded documents regarding the issues of the intellectual property rights, and publications related to projects.

Special thanks to our Dear colleagues Dr. Maha and Dr. Areej for preparing these documents. Dr. Maha collected the IP rights for projects and Dr. Areej developed the publication agreement form.

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

**Urgent Call**

Dear Students,

The following students are requested to get in touch with Dr. Lamia, Room 31, as soon as possible.

جواهر بنت محمد بن عبدالمحسن الفرم
ايمان بنت فرحان بن جرمان المصربي السبيعي العنزي
فجر بنت فهد بن سليمان نفجان الطخيم
شيهانه بنت عواد بن بنيان الصيدلاني الجهني
امل بنت محمد بن علي الرفيعي
ايمان بنت علي بن حمد علي العمران
بشاير بنت تريحيب بن عبدالمحسن العتيبي
سميه بنت سعود بن محمد كريم
مى بنت حسن بن حميد الرحيمي
نجود بنت احمد بن عثمان اباحسين

Thank you for your cooperation.

G.P Coordinator

Project1 Ideas (to be updated soon)

Dear Students,

You can download available project1 ideas and you can start to get in touch with supervisors of the projects your are interested in. This will help you to get further useful information, when you are going to fix you preferences. By the next saturday evening, you will have to fill Choice Form and send it to ksu.it.project@gmail.com.

Note that 4 new Project-1 ideas are going to be added to the current list (supervisors of remaining projects: Dr. Aisha, Dr Cristina, and Dr Lamia).
Doctors that are not listed in the list are not going to supervise projects this semester.

Keep on checking for latest news..

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

PROJECT-1 Semester-2, Academic Year: 1431/1432: GROUP FORM

Dear students,

Greetings to you all at the start of this new semester, 1431/1432 (2010/2011).

It is the time to kick start the graduation projects, and I kindly ask you to download the group form. Fill it and submit it by Sunday February 20th, 2011. You are allowed to form groups of only 5 students.

Please send the filled form to the following address:


You are not required to provide your GPA information, we will obtained it directly from our records for confidentiality purposes. It is very important to fill all required information, which will only be used for the purpose of this course.

Please do not change the formatting of the form.

Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!

G.P Coordinator