Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Schedule with rooms'numbers.

Dear Students,

Please download the last version of the schedule with room numbers.

Kindly be on time 30mn before the presentation, and do not forget that coffee, cookies,.. are stricly forbidden inside the examination room.

Please note that a survey is going to be distributed after the presentation. It is mandatory to fill it before leaving and to put it inside the envelope that will be provided to your committee.

Good luck!

G.P coordinator

Friday, December 23, 2011

Project-1 submission and presentation details

Dear students,

I'd like to remind you that the submission date of your Project-1 documentation is due to tomorrow saturday December 24th 2011.

Here are the submission instructions.

Time: 10:00am - 1:30pm. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized. (-2 pts of the final grade if submission is on Sunday).

Place: RAs office, Room 94, 2nd floor. (Ms. Akheela).


4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, three copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

Since other academic staff may be interested in reading your proposals, please submit (in addition to the hard copies) 1 soft copy to ksu.it.project@gmail.com. Your mail subject must include the following information:

- Group number
- Project number
- Title
- Supervisor

Note that presentations are scheduled on Wednesday December 28th 2011.

The presentation time is allocated as follows:

- Oral presentation: 15 minutes
- Discussion with the committee: 15 minutes

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good luck,

G. P Coordinator

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

System design issues

Dear Students,

Please, download a very interesting document on architecture styles-categories uses examples, prepared by Dr. Ghada.

Hopefully, it will help you to clarify some issues you faced during the system design phase.

Special thanks to Dr. Ghada for the prorvided document.

G.P Coordinator

How to prepare your presentation?

Dear Students,

Two groups of level 8 students are proposing to share their experience in presenting Project-1. You are kindly invited to attend this event to benefit from their experience, to properly and efficiently prepare your Project-1 examination. Hereafter the details:

Date: Saturday december 24th, 2011.
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Room 17, building 20.

Eventhough attendance is optional, you are highly encouraged to attend the talk in order to get valuable tips, advises, on how to prepare your presentation, as well as getting some feedback on the oral examination.

A special thanks to Dr. Areej for arranging this event.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Project-1 presentations schedule

Dear Students,

Project-1 schedule is available.

Rooms and submission instructions will be announced soon. Keep on checking the blog.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project-1 submision postponed

Dear Students,

Project-1 sumbission deadline has been postponed to saturday december 24th, 2011 before 10:00am.

G.P Coordinator

Friday, December 9, 2011

Details of upcoming seminar (scheduled on saturday december 10th 2011)

Dear Students,

This is a short announcement to inform you the details of the next seminar scheduled on saturday december 10th, 2011:

Place: Theatre building 20.
Time: 12:00-1:00pm

Your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

Seee you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project-1 Seminar-2

Dear Students,

As you know, semniar-2 has been cancelled many times owing to a lot of constraints (exams..) in the planned dates..

Finally, seminar-2 has been scheduled tomorrow wednesday december 5th, 2011 and you can attend in the theatre of building 3:

From 2:00pm to 3:00pm OR

From 3:00pm to 4:00pm (This slot is reserved for those who have lectures from 2:00pm to 3:00pm).

In all cases, your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

Also, note that seminar-3 is scheduled next saturday december 10th from 12:00 to 1:00pm. Please shift your project weekly meeting.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seminar-2 cancelled.

Dear Students,

Seminar-2 scheduled for today sunday december 4th is cancelled. New date will be announced soon.

G.P Coordinator.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Dear Students,

You are invited to attend seminar-2 next sunday 4th december, 2011, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Location will be announced by tomorrow noon.

Attendance is mandatory, and absent students will be penalized.

See you there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator