Sunday, May 13, 2012

FINAL schedule with rooms.

Dear Students,

Download the final version of Project-1 schedule including rooms numbers.

Good Luck!

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Special session to help you prepare for your GP presentation

Dear students,

As announced previously, to help you prepare for your final presentations, we have recent graduates from last year's projects sharing their tips for oral examinations of projects 1 and 2.

Join us tomorrow Sunday, May 13th 12-1pm in room 17 in building 20.

Many thanks to Dr. Areej for her precious contribution to organize great events for GP students !

G.P Coordinator

Friday, May 11, 2012

Project-1 submission instructions

Dear Students,

Kindly refer to seminar-4 slides (13 & 14) for Project-1 submission instructions:

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Monday, May 7, 2012

Seminar-4 slides

Dear Students,

Kindly download seminar-4 slides to prepare your presentation.

The suggested presentation contents could be slightly different. In alla cases, you should refer to your supervisor to validate the material included in your slides. And, do not forget that you should not exceed 15 minutes for the oral presentation.

Finally, we are planning to organize an informal gathering (most probably next saturday May 12th) with a group of our best graduated students to share with you their experience related to GP presentations, an give you some feedback and useful tips :-) Attendance is not mandatory, however you may designate one team member to attend the event. Note that G.P committee members will not attend so that you will feel comfortable to ask any kind of questions :-)

Keep on checking the blog  for latest news..

Good luck everybody!

G.P Coordinator

Friday, May 4, 2012

REMINDER: Seminar-4, Preparing for the exam (Sunday 06/05/2012)

Dear Students,

I would like to remind you that our last seminar will be about the presentation exam.

Date: Sunday April 6th, 2012.
Time: 12pm-1:00pm
Place: Theatre Hall, Building 20.

Attendance is mandatory unless you have a exam (justification from your instructor is required).

G. P Coordinator.

Project-1 presentations schedule

Dear Students,

Project-1 presentations schedule is ready for download. Rooms will be announced soon.

Good luck!

G.P Coordinator.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Functional requirements description (Object-Oriented Approach)

Dear Students,

Some of you requested to upload GP reports for the Object-Oriented approach to check how the functional requirements should be stated. Unfortunately, The intersting reports we have could be a litlle bit confusing regarding what has been mentionned in Seminar-2.

The main point is to avoid as much as possible repetition in the functional requirements and the use case description. The key note is to be compliant to what you studied in your Software Engineering courses.

Good luck.

G. P Coordinator

Sunday, April 29, 2012

REMINDER: Seminar-3 (Monday 30th April 2012)

Dear Students,

This is a short note to remind you that you have to attend seminar-3 tomorrow monday 30th April 2012:

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Theatre of building 3
Seminar topic: Intellectual Property

Attendance is mandatory, unless you have an exam. In this case, you should provide a justification from your instructor.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seminar-3 (scheduled today 23/04/2012) postponed

Dear Students,

Seminar-3 scheduled today monday 23/04/2012 has been postponed since you have to attend a meeting with the Rector today from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

Keep on checking the blog for upcoming seminar-3 details..

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

GP documentation samples (Structured Approach)

Dear Students,

Hereafter some documentation samples of graduation projects designed with the structured approach:

Samples of graduation projects designed with the Object-Oriented approach will be uploaded soon..

Keep and checking the bog..

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, April 14, 2012

REMINDER: Seminar-2 (Sunday 15th April 2012)

Dear Students,

This is a short note to remind you that you have to attend seminar-2 tomorrow sunday 15th April 2012:

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Location: Theatre of building 20.

Attendance is mandatory.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Friday, April 13, 2012

Seminar-1 slides

Dear Students,

Kindly download seminar-1 slides.

G.P Coordinator

GP1, Seminar-2: Questions to be sent.

Dear Students,

In order to prepare GP1 seminar-2 (scheduled next sunday April 15th, 2012), I kindly ask the 
team leader of each group to send us your questions (maximum 3 questions) to
  • In your email subject, you must include: Project Title + Supervisor Name
  • In the email body, fill the following information:
  1. Question1:
  2. Question2:
  3. Question3:
Kindly state your questions clearly and briefly. 

DO NOT CHANGE the format of the information requested. 

Only questions received before sunday 15th April, 9:00pm will be considered.

Finally, two GP1 documentation samples (for structured and OO design) will be uploaded soon. Keep on checking the blog..

Thank you for your cooperation

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project-1 guide.

Dear Students,

Please download Project-1 guide

Special thanks to Dr. Maha for preparing this valuable guide.

Note that your final report should be consistent to the guide, and include all stated requirements.

Semina-1 slides will be uploaded later today.

Keep on cheking the blog for latest news.

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

System design issues

Dear Students,

Please, download a very interesting document on architecture styles-categories uses examples, prepared last semester by Dr. Ghada Al Hudhud 

Hopefully, it will help you to clarify some issues you faced during the system design phase.

Special thanks to Dr. Ghada for the very interesting document.

G.P Coordinator

Monday, April 9, 2012

Seminar-1 Location: Room 17, Building 20.

Dear Students,

This is a short note to remind you that GP-1 seminar 1 is scheduled tomorrow tuesday April 10th, 2010.

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Place: Room 17, Building 20.

Your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Monday, April 2, 2012

Project-1 Seminar 1, Tuesday 10th April 2012

Dear Students,

You are kindly invited to attend seminar-1 scheduled on tuesday April 10th, 2012.

Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Place: Theatre of building 3

Your attendance is mandatory and penalization will be applied (for individual evaluation) by your supervisor in case you will not attend the seminar.

See you all there inshaALLAH.

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Dear Students,

Project-1 Committees document is uploaded.

Kindly, mention your committee number (and examiners's names) to Instr. Mona when you submit your proposal today. Submission instructions are detailed in the previous post.

Good luck!

G. P Coordinator

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Proposal submission instructions

Dear students,

Hereafter the instructions for proposal submission:

Date: Monday 5th March 2011.

Time: 10:30 - 13:00. Please make sure you submit on time. Delays will be penalized.

Place: Instr. Mona's office at building 20, 2nd floor, Room 86.


• 4 hard copies to be handed in by one of the group members. One copy is for your supervisor, two copies are for your committee members, and the last copy is for the projects coordinator.

• Since other academic staff may be interested in your proposals, please submit 1 soft copy to and the subject of your mail must include the following:

1- Group Number
2- Project Number
3- Supervisor Name
4- Project Title

Soft copy submission is mandatory and delays will be penalized.

Your committees will be announced later today. Keep on checking the latest news..

Good luck,

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Proposal and final documentation submission dates

Dear Students,

Proposal report submission has been postponed to Mond. 5th March 2012.

G.P1 final documentation submission is due to Wed. 9th May 2012.

G.P Coordinator

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Template for proposal report

Dear students,

Please download the word document template you must use for writing the proposal report. Do do not modify or personalize the template when using it.

Thank you,

G.P Coordinator
Dear Students,

Teams/Projects assignement document is ready. I kindly ask you to get in touch with your supervisor as soon as possible to start working on the proposal.

Note that a proposal template is going to be available soon. However, you may download a sample of a proposal report submitted last year. The deadline to submit your report is next wednesday February 29th, 2012.

Finally, it is mandatory to send your Team Form, the one inclusing your names (arabic/english), emails, and phone numbers to your supervisor today.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good Luck!

Note for teams 30 & 31.

Dear Students,

Kindly update your groups as follows:
  • Sarah Harthi  is moved to Team 31
  • Sarah Hagbani  is moved to Team30
Thank you.

G.P Coordinator

Note for Teams 30, 31 and Student Sarah Harthi

Student Sarah Harthi has been moved from mteam 30 to team 31, in order to have balanced teams: team of 4 students instead of a team of 3 students.

G.P Coordinator

Saturday, February 18, 2012

**TEAMS** Again last check.

Dear Students,

Please check your groups in the updated version of Teams Excel sheet.

Attention required to the following teams:
  • Team 6 IT
  • Team 9 CAP
  • Team 14 IT
  • Team 22 CAP
  • Team 28 CAP
  • Team 29 CAP
  • Team 30 IT
  • TEam 31 IT

The following students should check their new groups:

فاطمه عبدالرحمن العبادي
 حنين بنت خالد بن احمد عقيلان
 وفاء بنت جايز بن جزاء الحربي
هيفاء خالد السلوم
شمعه يحى الودعاني
اسماء القرني 
الطالبه ساره الحارثي
نور الظاهري
أسماء ابراهيم السعدون
هند المسردي
منيرة العطاس 
هلا سعد بن رحمة

Fatma Arouji
Hadeel youssef
Sarah Hagbani

G.P Coordinator

*ATTENTION** Dr. Auhood's project replaced by Dr. Maha's project

Dear Students,

Just a short note to inform you that Dr. Auhood 's projet is no longer available, and has been replaced by Dr. Maha's project. Kindly, take this minor change in your choices form submission.

Project 8 new description is the following:

Title: Automatic Generation of Exercises for Language Aptitude Tests
Area /Domain: Arabic Natural Langauge Processing, Information Extraction, Machine Learning

The aim of the project is to build an intelligent system for the automatic generation of exercises for enhancing the lexical competence of language learners. The system automatically extracts semantic relations between words, and uses them in the generation of vocabulary exercises in aptitude tests.
The development of the system involves two phases, training phase and testing phase. In the training phase, the system uses Arabic text corpora annotatedwith semantic relations to learn rules and patterns for identifying semantically related words in the text. In the testing phase, the trained model will be used with new non-annotated text to identify words and the semanticrelations which holds between the words.  The data is used for the automated generation of the competency exercises.

G.P Coordinator



Dear Students,

Kindly, CHECK the final version of groups Excel sheet

If you have any issue regarding your teams, contact the G.P coordinator tomorrow sunday between 9:00-11:00am (Room 31).

Late requests will be ignored.

Choices form submission has been postponed to tomorrow sunday 19th Feb., 2:00pm. It is mandatory to use the team# assigned to you in the Excel sheet.

Thank you.

G.P Coordinator

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Project-1 Ideas: Final List **UPDATED AGAIN** and Choices Submission

Dear Students,

Please download again the final list of offered Project-1 ideas for this semester. The last project idea, offered by Dr. Abir, has been added to the list.

Kindly, download the choices form, fill it, and then send it before tomorrow sunday February 19th, 2012 at 8:00 am, to the following

You are invited to fill ALL 31 choices, otherwise you will be assigned a project that you didn't put in your preferences.

Also it is mandatory to include your team number (the number that has been assigned to your group). Please use the LAST version of the Teams file, that will be uploaded today saturday Feb. 18th by 4:00pm)

Teams/Projects assignment is going to be announced on the blog tomorrow sunday  Feb. 19th, 2012 before 4:00pm inshaALLAH. It is mandatory to contact your supervisor on monday Feb 20th, to start working on your proposal.

Keep on checking the blog for new posts regarding the proposal and upcoming seminars..

Good luck

G.P Coordinator

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Dear Students,

Kindly check your groups (FINAL VERSION) as soon as possible:

Owing to some unexpected issues, some teams have been updated. From now, use the # assigned to your team for any request.

In case of any issue, please get in touch with the G.P coordinator (Building 20, First Floor, Room 31) today wednesday 15th Feb. from 9:30-10 or from 1:30-3:00pm.

All the best,

G.P Coordinator


Dear Students,

Please download the new Project-1 ideas list. Keep on checking the blog for the last project idea to be uploaded soon. Kindly, get in touch as soon as possible with the supervisors of all the projects you are interested in. The choices form (document to be available on the blog today InsaALLAH) should be submitted on saturday 18th February 2012 before 6:00pm.

G.P Coordinator.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Dear students,

Below,  one new idea from Dr. Shurug:

Title: Arabic Twitter

In this project, students should develop a twitter client with an Arabic interface as an iPhone app or an android application.
The application should do the following basic twitter functions:
- View timeline.
- Follow/unfollow.
- Direct messages.
- Block/report spam.
- Change profile.
- Create lists.
Other extra features include:
- Who would see my replies?
- Show who are close to me based on location.

For contact details of Dr. Shurug, please refer to the secretary.

G.P Coordinator


Dear Students,

Kindly download the updated Project-1 ideas list.

G.P Coordinator

Project-1 Ideas: First compilation available

Dear Students,

Kindly download the list of first compilation of Project-1 ideas.

Please get in touch with doctors as soon as possible (starting from today) to get further details on projects you are interested in. The second part will be available soon (by tomorrow morning inshaALLAH).

G.P Coordinator

Friday, February 10, 2012

**Team check required**

Dear Students,

Please take a look on the following link to check if your team is fine. A separate sheet is dedicated to each group. From now, you should use the team # that has been assigned to your group:

Note that some groups have been changed (those sent late). The reason is that these groups didn't respect the rule that students are allowed to team up only with students from the same IT plan (eg: Cap student can not be a member of an IT team..)

In case of any mistake please get in touch with the G.P coordinator (Building 20, First Floor, Room 31) on sunday 12 februray 2012 between 10-12.

Finally, keep on checking the blog news.. Projects'ideas will be available soon.. You should ge in touch with doctors starting from tomorrow to get further information on projects you are interested in.

All the best

G.P Coordinator

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear students,

Greetings to you all at the start of the second semester, 1432/1433 (2011/2012).

It is the time to kick start the graduation projects, and I kindly ask you to download the group form. Fill it and submit it by Wednesday 25th January, 2012. All fields are required . You are allowed to form groups of only 5 students.

Please send the filled form to the following address:

You are not required to provide your GPA information, we will obtained it directly from our records for confidentiality purposes. It is very important to fill all required information, which will only be used for the purpose of this course.

Please do not change the formatting of the form.

Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!

G.P Coordinator