Dear Students,
Please check your groups in the updated version of Teams Excel sheet.
Attention required to the following teams:
The following students should check their new groups:
G.P Coordinator
Please check your groups in the updated version of Teams Excel sheet.
Attention required to the following teams:
- Team 6 IT
- Team 9 CAP
- Team 14 IT
- Team 22 CAP
- Team 28 CAP
- Team 29 CAP
- Team 30 IT
- TEam 31 IT
The following students should check their new groups:
فاطمه عبدالرحمن العبادي |
حنين بنت خالد بن احمد عقيلان |
وفاء بنت جايز بن جزاء الحربي |
هيفاء خالد السلوم |
شمعه يحى الودعاني |
اسماء القرني |
الطالبه ساره الحارثي |
نور الظاهري |
أسماء ابراهيم السعدون |
هند المسردي |
منيرة العطاس |
هلا سعد بن رحمة |
Fatma Arouji |
Hadeel youssef |
Sarah Hagbani |