Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Project-1 Ideas: Final List **UPDATED AGAIN** and Choices Submission

Dear Students,

Please download again the final list of offered Project-1 ideas for this semester. The last project idea, offered by Dr. Abir, has been added to the list.

Kindly, download the choices form, fill it, and then send it before tomorrow sunday February 19th, 2012 at 8:00 am, to the following

You are invited to fill ALL 31 choices, otherwise you will be assigned a project that you didn't put in your preferences.

Also it is mandatory to include your team number (the number that has been assigned to your group). Please use the LAST version of the Teams file, that will be uploaded today saturday Feb. 18th by 4:00pm)

Teams/Projects assignment is going to be announced on the blog tomorrow sunday  Feb. 19th, 2012 before 4:00pm inshaALLAH. It is mandatory to contact your supervisor on monday Feb 20th, to start working on your proposal.

Keep on checking the blog for new posts regarding the proposal and upcoming seminars..

Good luck

G.P Coordinator